Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Tribute

This particular Blog comes from a another blog but It touched me so I felt obliged to share it with you.
John Moore recorded an image of Mary McHugh at the grave of her fiance Sgt. James John Regan (who was killed by an IED explosion in Iraq in February 2007) at Arlington National Cemetery, May 27, 2007.Mary McHugh, the fiancé of a James Regan, moved a thousand mourners to tears with her touching tribute at his funeral. “Jimmy was a hero to many, but he was always very humble,” she said of her beloved. “He always sought team success and not personal glory.”Regan was to marry McHugh, a medical student at Emory University, when his Army service ended. He was killed in February 2007 by a roadside bomb in Iraq.“Jimmy and I were so excited to stand up in front of God, our family and friends and declare our love for each other,” McHugh said. ”Only God knows why we were deprived of that opportunity, but it doesn’t change the sentiments I have.”Regan, an All-American lacrosse player and All-State football scholar at Chaminade High School in Mineola, graduated from Duke University five years ago. He was deeply affected by the 9/11 terror attacks, which claimed many lives in Manhasset, and turned down a position at financial services firm UBS and deferred a scholarship to Southern Methodist University Law School to join the Army in 2004. He had earned a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.After reading a love letter Regan wrote to her, McHugh said in a passionate whisper, “Jimmy, we never got to wake up next to each other every morning. Jimmy, I will wake up every morning and thank God for the opportunity to love and be loved by you.”McHugh remembered Regan as someone who always wore a smile and “simply wanted to be happy and make others around him happy.”Regan’s father, also named James, said his son did just that.“Last week in Iraq the bell tolled for Jimbo and he gave the ultimate sacrifice,” the grieving father said. “You have done your duty, son, as you saw it. You are a wonderful son.”- – - -The above photo has been the source of some controversy. There are some forces that would like to suppress its publication. Some feel that publicizing honest images, such as this one, conveying the gravity of our losses, serves to undermine the war efforts in Iraq. Forgive me, because I do not have an articulate stance on the war in Iraq. The conflicts there are beyond my reasoning and aptitudes to solve. I do believe in more aggressively pursuing non-violent solutions to violent problems. I believe censorship of honest information about the war will not help Americans make more informed decisions about the reality of the violence and the severity of our losses. This blog focuses on mature, complex and real issues deserving more candor, attention, discussion, and merit. My deepest and sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and fiancé of James Regan. The above photo can be found in many places on the internet by doing a simple Google image search for “Mary McHugh” or “James Regan.” It can also be obtained through the Getty service for use in media outlets.The above photo is an important human document. In a moment, it clearly communicates undeniable and compelling love. It will be important 100 years from now. If a similar Civil War photo existed of a woman at the grave of her fiancé, it would be immeasurably valuable to our cultural experience. If a similar WW II photo existed of a German widow at her deceased husband’s grave, the artwork would be a timeless and important image about the realities of war and universality of grief. The most memorable scene for me in viewing “Saving Private Ryan,” Steven Spielberg’s 1998 Academy Award winning film, was the quiet scene of Private Ryan’s mother falling to her knees on the porch, unable to stand, unable to function, in the moment she realized there would be losses for her that would never end in this lifetime. Should Spielberg have shown the depths of her grief? Yes, I believe his efforts were honorable and good. Was he being patriotic? Yes. Should he have shown the reality of the violence and inhumanity on both sides of the war? Yes. Should Spielberg’s Free Speech and artistic visual portrayals of the realities of war have been censored? No.

Friday, May 28, 2010

23 State Senators Must Be Drunk

I opened up my paper this morning and I was struck by a story that I thought I misread. So I read it again to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. For many years comedians have made no secret that they favor certain politicians based on comedic value. Well there are 23 Ohio state senators that could be the subject of an entire monologue on Letterman or Leno. If you haven’t heard 23 out of 33 state senators voted to allow concealed carry in bars. I’ve got one thing to say; WHAT THE HELL?

I’ve never made it a secret that I’m not the biggest supporter of hand guns, but come on. I really believe that those 23 Senators must have stopped at the bar before they voted. I agree that gun supporters have some argument concerning their right to bear arms. I have always thought that the argument is extremely weak, because I don’t feel they are reading it correctly.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Another version is found in the copies distributed to the states, and then ratified by them, which had this capitalization and punctuation:[6]

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It has always been my belief that this amendment deals specifically with Militia’s not our right to stock pile weapons for our own personal use. I have never had a problem with hunting guns, but who needs a 9mm or an Ak47 for hunting? That is a subject for another day and another Blog.

I can’t even believe that this bill was ever introduced to begin with. In what world is this a good idea? There are communities all over the state of Ohio that won’t even allow the combination of nudity and alcohol. Yet someone saw the wisdom in introducing a bill that would combine guns and alcohol. Why don’t we just get rid of the drunk driving laws also? Better yet, let’s just give everyone government issued guns and a bottle of whiskey and tell them there on their own.

I haven’t even mentioned the fact that police officers will face an all new challenge. Can you image what it’s going be like to go and break up a bar fight now. Now they are going to have to worry whether someone is packing. Let me reiterate by saying this is pure insanity and let me restate my previous statement; WHAT THE HELL?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Be Thankful For What You Have

I am a lover of words, but sometimes words aren't enough. This is going to be a very short Blog. I want to share with you a video. Trust me when I tell you, you want to see this video.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Congressional Term Limits Will Fix America's Problems

Every morning one of the of the first things I do is check my email. I am sure I am no different from anyone else and I have to weed trough all the junk mail. I also get a lot of forwarded jokes that my friends thought I would like. I have friends that are conservative and liberal, and they both like to send me emails that argue their political views. I usually find my view right in the middle. While filtering my email this morning I found and email that says what I have been saying for many years. It lays out a basic plan for congressional term limits.

I have heard people on both sides talk about this for a long time and I wonder why it has never been made law. The President is bound by term limits; why aren't congressmen bound by these same limits. Below the plan is laid out and I want to hear what you think.

1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below.

A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension:

A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security:

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6. Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

I really want to hear what you think about this plan. Post your comments below.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lorain Must Support It's New Baseball Team

Baseball----Chevrolet----Apple Pie; what could be more American? At least 2 of those are still American. One of those is Baseball; you figure out which one isn’t. The County of Lorain, and specifically the city of Lorain, will have the opportunity to cheer for a local team. If you haven’t heard the news, the Lorain County Ironmen are in town and they are going to be playing their games at the Pipe Yard Stadium, right here in Lorain.

Owners, Kevin Rhomberg and Bob Schenosky, are really trying to make a difference in the city of Lorain. I have personally witnessed how hard they are working to make their team a success. They are truly interested in helping to boost the economy in Lorain County. They are offering a very low-cost alternative to going to a very ‘Pricey’ Cleveland Indians game. They appear to understand, that times are hard, and most families can’t afford to go to Cleveland and see a Indians game. The Cost of admission is only $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, $3 for children and $99 for season tickets.

We need to remember that they chose us because they saw the potential here, and we need to support them every chance we can. How nice will it be to go to a local game and not go broke in the process. A family of 4 can attend for less than $20. You can’t even go to a movie for that price.

Please Lorain County; I beg you, let’s be positive about this team. Let’s show them that they made the right decision in coming here. The Home Opener is June 4th at 7:05pm.

“Take Me Out to the Ball Game,
Take Me Out to the Crowd,
Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks.”

For Ticket Information and any question just click on their website or call 440-522-9549

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Very Personal Struggle

All my life I have always been a proud man. That pride never allowed me to confide my personal life with anyone; not even people that were close to me. No one around me ever knew when I was struggling financially, mentally or any other way. If someone asked me how I was doing I always responded that I was doing great. It was partly because most of the time no one really cares how you’re doing and also because I was too pride to reveal the truth. I always faced my struggles by myself refusing to let anyone in. It was only recently that I began sharing with everyone my life story. That only happened when I realized that the things I had been through could help someone else. Revealing my struggle with Bi-polar disorder and homelessness was the best decision I ever made. It not only helped others it helped me to heal. Eventually you will be able to hear about my whole life in a book that is being written about me. I have been truly blessed.

The reason I am sharing this with you is because the time has come for me to share another personal struggle with you. It is a struggle that many Americans deal with everyday. As you know I am a small business owner. I able to be in business thanks to the generosity of the city of Lorain. So many people are under the impression that if you own a business you must have a lot of money. Let me assure you that nothing could be farther from the truth. My income falls well below the national poverty line. Don’t get me wrong I am able to survive, because I have learned through life experiences how to do so.

The one thing I cannot afford is health insurance. During the health care debate I stood by silently while people said things like, “Obama’s health care plan is nothing more than welfare,” or “It’s only lazy people that will benefit from the health care reform.” I have worked hard all my life and most of the time I had insurance. Now that I am in business for myself I work harder than I have ever worked in my life and I can’t afford to buy health insurance, and I don’t meet any of the guidelines to receive Medicade.

What brought this to the surface was my trip to the Emergency room today. I am suffering with something that may or may not be life threatening. Actually I am suffering with two things. I have had high blood pressure for several years and have been able to control it with medication. I went to the ER with and unknown problem involving my prostate. For the past few days it has caused me debilitating pain. I finally couldn’t take it anymore so I went to the ER. I went to the ER because I couldn’t afford to go to my own Doctor. The experience was much different from the experience I had when I had insurance.

I was living in the state of Arizona when I was finally diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. I had a very good job that included health insurance. When I knew that I had a problem I just called my insurance company and they found me the best Specialist in the state to treat me. I went to the ER and they processed me right in and put me in touch with everyone I needed to help me; including an inpatient facility that was very well equipped to handle my problem. I spent nearly a month there getting my life back in order and learning to live again. My life was most certainly saved. The tragedy was that when I was in the hospital my job was eliminated. I only had insurance for another month and then I was without insurance. From that moment on I was denied access to all the services that saved my life. I was once again on my own.

Today when I checked into the ER I had no insurance and I was put in a room by myself. I was there for quite some time before I even saw a Doctor and I never saw a nurse until they checked me out. He told me he didn’t know what was wrong with me and referred me to a urologist. The doctor told me it was very important that I go see the urologist because it could be very serious. Which brings me back to my original problem; if I could afford a Doctor’s office visit I would have went there to begin with. It seems my only option is to wait until the new health care bill goes into effect.

I wonder how many people are just like me who have illnesses they can do nothing about because they simply can’t afford it. I am sure the number is astronomical. I wonder what all the people who are so opposed to this new health care plan would say to all those people. People like me.

A Reintroduction Of Myself

Back before we went live on the Morning Journal web page I wrote a blog introducing myself to the readers of the paper. There was a lot of time that passed between the time I wrote the Blog and the time we went live. I feel it necessary that you know who I am, so that you will understand the way I feel about the things I write about. So I am re-posting the blog. I would love to hear what you think.

A little about myself

I feel since this is my first Blog, I need to tell you a little about myself. I was born in Summersville, West Virginia. I grew up in Lorain County, specifically, Elyria. I’ve done a little bit of everything in my life. I started out my career in restaurants, I worked at a newspaper, a sandstone quarry, a pipe wrench factory, I got in trouble with the law; I ran away and was homeless, I worked as a Lumper for a truck driver, I joined a carnival, and hitchhiked across the country to find my mother in Texas. I worked on a farm in Texas driving a grain truck; I got married and divorced in Texas for the first time. I worked as a DJ in Guymon Oklahoma, and I got in trouble in both Texas and Oklahoma, and spent time at the gray bars hotel. I left Texas, and hitchhiked back to West Virginia, and then I hitchhiked to North Carolina; I met a woman 16 years my senior and I married her the following week. I got a job as a DJ, car salesman, volunteer EMT, worked in a hospital as a CNA, store manager, pest control sales person; moved to Ohio, got a job as a hotel manager and got divorced. I then married my boss who had 4 small children, and I helped her raise her kids, and worked as a restaurant manager, car salesman, factory worker, and store manager. I moved to Arizona to help take care of her mother, and I took a job in a factory, she told me she wanted a divorce I flipped out and was committed to an INTITUTION, found out I had Bi-Polar disorder(who didn’t see that coming). After being crazy I moved back to Ohio got a job in a factory, flipped out again, took a bus to Charlotte; I was homeless again, I decided I didn’t like that, so I moved back to Ohio and met someone on line and moved to Parma; I worked for the world’s largest retailer. I decided to go in to business with my now Fiancé and we have a store in Lorain, where we donate 25% of or proceeds to the homeless. I also do a weekly radio talk show on 91.5 WOBC out of Oberlin College…….. I’m doing much better now.

Now that you know about me; let me tell you what this Blog is going to be about. Back before the ‘Light up Lorain’ event in Lorain we were ask by Joe Skodny to come and sell our Christmas supplies to the public, for the event. We moved in to the old Reith Insurance building at 737 Broadway. Before the first Light up Lorain event, a story was published about me in the Morning Journal. The word had gotten out that we were donating 25% of our proceeds to the Haven Center for the homeless in Lorain County. That story began the snowball effect. Channel 5 in Cleveland read the story and decided they wanted to hear more, and they gave me the opportunity to tell my story. I was then featured in several other publications and radio. We became an instant success in downtown Lorain.

This experience has caused me to fall in love with downtown Lorain. I have the advantage of looking at the area with new eyes. The potential in downtown Lorain is unlimited. Back in January I wrote a letter to the Editor that pretty much summed up my feelings. Here it is again:

“To the Editor: I have a business in downtown Lorain and there are things that need to be said. I came to Lorain to be a part of something that I felt in my heart was going to be a great thing. When I started learning the history of Lorain and how great it once was, I knew I wanted to be a part of a Lorain that will be great again. I see a major problem in this great town — negativity. Being negative will never fix anything. I know for a fact that Mayor Krasienko has nothing but the city's best interests at heart. He and his administration are doing a great job attracting new businesses to come to Lorain, I am one of them.
The mayor has a great man in Rey Carrion who works tirelessly trying to better the situation in Lorain. Another person deserving recognition is Joe Skodny of the Downtown Lorain Christmas Decorating Council. He is a true blue Lorainite, who wants nothing more than to see Lorain great again. His vision of Lorain as a Disneyland-type tourist destination is exactly the kind of thinking we all need.”

After that appeared in the paper on the website I reluctantly read the comments posted. Unfortunately, it was mostly negative, which I expected. In these economic times, I do understand where that comes from. However, one thing is certain, complaining and moaning will never fix anything. So this Blog is going to be about the positive things that are happening and are going to happen in downtown Lorain.

I truly believe when people work together as one, there is nothing that can’t be accomplished. I’m amazed everyday as I look out my big window on Broadway just how many pass by. So many people live in this city that only drive through downtown Lorain to get to another destination. They don’t realize that they are driving by the answer to fixing the economy in Lorain. When you patronize our businesses the money goes into the city of Lorain with the taxes we pay. We are then able to hire employees and put people back to work. Those people will then buy products and we will put more money in the economy. When you spend money with us the city is then able to afford to put public servants back on the job. If you want more police and fire fighters the answer is right in front of you.

I am what some people would call a contradiction. I am a very socially liberal in my politics but I still believe in a Mayberry type town. (By the way, The Andy Griffith Show is the greatest show ever made) We have the opportunity to turn our downtown into a retail destination. It is going to take all of us to make that happen.

I am going to share my Ideas on this Blog, as well as, sharing with you all the good stuff going on down here. You will hear about businesses that you didn’t know were here or maybe you didn’t know they were still here. I also want you to share with me your ideas. This is about mobilizing the citizens of Lorain. We need to make businesses want to come to downtown Lorain. Come on Lorain, let’s build this city together.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should Pitbulls Be Banned?

I’m going to catch a lot of flak for this one but I have just got to talk about it. A lot of the time when I write these blogs I’m sitting in my store at 737 Broadway Ave. I usually have the scanner on because I like to know what is going on around me. I think it is very important to understand the area you are in, so that you can come up with solutions to fix it. If you have ever listened to a scanner, the police get a lot of different kinds of calls. Some are pretty serious and some are just ridiculous. People call the police sometimes for something that they probably could have fixed themselves. The call that I hear a lot more often is ‘Dog on the loose’ calls and the one that alarms me the most is ‘Pitbull on the loose.’

Let me preface this first by saying, I love animals, especially dogs. I have two of my own. A Miniature Pincher that really belongs to my Fiancé and a black Labradoodle that I named Johnny Cash, which is my dog. I am constantly recommending the Labradoodle hybrid to anyone that asks. Before I bought Johnny I spent a year learning about the breed. I read the pros and cons, and frankly there were almost no cons. He was the easiest dog to house break that I have ever had. He is very eager to learn and please. One of the main reasons I got him is that he is truly a family dog. My Fiancés 2 year old can do anything to Johnny and he never gets mad. They are very much like brothers, and I never have to worry about leaving them alone together.

I believe very strongly that the purpose of a pet is to be a part of the family. Yes they are our protectors when necessary, but we should always be in complete control of our dogs. I don’t understand why people want Pitbulls. Let me reiterate, I love dogs, but a Pitbull is more than a pet, it is a weapon, and a very dangerous one.
A Pitbull was bread specifically to be a fighter. I constantly hear people say, “It’s not the dog it’s the owner.” There is some truth to that but the underlying truth is these dogs are deranged. They are not mentally stable and you never know when they are going to go off. It is like having a time bomb. Every time I hear that a Pitbull is on the loose in Lorain I hold my breath. When I see the pictures of babies lying with these dogs that are a part of the pro Pitbull speech, I always think it is only a matter of time until that dog will turn on the child. They are simply not to be trusted.

Long time superior court judge, Judge Joe Brown is also a dog lover and he calls them “Devil Dogs.” Consider also that most homeowners insurance companies won’t cover you if you own a Pitbull.

I personally think that there should be a law to outlaw them completely. My guess is that that will never happen so there certainly needs to be tougher laws regarding these animals. I wasn’t kidding before when I called them weapons. I believe that a person that chooses to own a Pitbull should have register it as a lethal weapon. They should be required to go through a class that teaches them what a Pitbull can do. Also they should not be allowed to live in certain areas. You may think I am talking crazy but I truly feel it is becoming an epidemic. There is a tremendous responsibility involved in owning a dog, and with a Pitbull the responsibility is even greater. So when you are in the market to purchase a dog please consider the risks in owning a dog that was bread to be viscous. Why not consider a Lab or Golden Retriever or a Labradoodle.

I want to hear what you think. You can reply below or friend me on my Facebook Page. Coming up on Broadway Connection an interview with Carl Neilson of Neilson’s Jewelry and an Interview with former Cleveland Indian left fielder and now co owner of the Lorain County Ironmen, Kevin Rhomberg. Talk to you soon.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If You Are Poor and Missing No One May Ever Know.

Have you ever heard any of these names? Amina Ashraf Al-Jailani, Layla Ashraf Al-Jailani, Sami Ashraf Al-Jailani,Marti Lee Bell, Jeanice Sherildette Burgos, Darnesha Charmaine Chandler, Jasmine Kirlissa Collins, Melissa Ann Collins, Bianca Damanik, Georgina Lynn DeJesus. My guess is the answer to that question is no. Well I’m going to tell you who they are. They are just a few of the children that are missing in the state of Ohio. They also have something else in common; none of them are white. I know your thinking, oh no here he goes again playing the race card. That is not completely true. I think there is more to it than that.

If it had not been for the great work of The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I would have never heard of them either. I can’t help but wonder why that is. When I see the stories on ABC, NBC, CBS, and even FOX, of children that are missing, I have always noticed that the majority of the time they are upper middle class white girls. With so many children missing in America why does the national news always focus on a certain type of child to showcase?

It really seems to be all about ratings. A poor little black girl from the projects doesn’t make good ratings. I’m not entirely sure that it is about race. It seems to be more about class and beauty. If you are not attractive and at least middle class you probably are not going to get national coverage. I honestly can’t remember ever turning on the news and seeing Diane Sawyer or Katie Couric report on a little boy or girl from the trailer park missing.

We all remember the story of JonBenet Ramsey. We all were glued to the tube waiting for the new developments of a case that changed every day. This was a very beautiful little girl and her story was news worthy, but how many children came up missing at the same time that never made national news? There are many more examples of this.

There is one example of a show that doesn’t seem to follow suit with the rest. The work that John Walsh does on America’s Most Wanted `seems to truly profile cases from all walks of life. So readers, I pose these questions to you. Do the national media choose their cases based on what will get the best rating? Do you think we will ever see a case on the networks of a child abducted from W 21st in Lorain? I would love to hear what you think. You can respond below or on my Facebook page.

Coming up on the Broadway Connection Blog; A Story about Lorain County’s new baseball team, the Lorain County Ironmen. Also I will be interviewing the owners of Slutzker’s Quickprinter Center in downtown Lorain. You will also get to hear many more stories of businesses in downtown Lorain.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Child Support Causes Homelessness

In the last few months I have gotten a great deal of press because I decided to share something very personal about myself, in the hope that it would help someone else. I was not wrong about that, I do not regret it in the least. Many people have told me that they were helped by the stories in the paper and on television. So I consider it a great success. Contrary to what you might think, I am a very private person. However I feel it is necessary to let you in to my private life again, because I believe there is a system that needs to be fixed. The system I am talking about is Child Support.

I have been called a ‘Dead Beat Dad’ in the past. That statement was probably true at one time. I’ve said before I am a flawed person. Due to Mental Illness and homelessness there were times I wasn’t able to pay my child support. I also missed out on having a relationship with my boys. That is the biggest tragedy of all. I have been in contact over the years and talk to them from time to time, but the relationship is not what it should be. I’m not trying to make excuses I’m trying to show you that sometimes there is a reason. This system, however, lumps everyone into one category.

I want to make it clear that I believe if you make a baby you should be responsible for them; whether you have a relationship or not. Paying is not my complaint at all. My complaint is that according to the law the payee is always right and the payer is always wrong. These cases should be taken on an individual basis; not every situation is the same. There are people out there that are truly ‘Dead Beat Dads’ or Moms, and they need to be pursued by the law.

If you are court ordered to pay child support you are required to have a job. That part makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is the payee is not required to have a job. It’s OK for them to set home and collect state assistance and child support and never have a job. The formula they use to set the amount that has to be paid is designed to even out the income in both households. If the payee has a low income then the person who is paying the child support balances out the household with his/her payment. What usually happens is the person paying the child support is left with no less than 40% of their income. Using round numbers let’s say a person brings home $600 a week. After child support the person will take home $240 a week. Do you know anyone who can survive on that amount?

People have asked me, how did I end up homeless? In my case it was a combination of many things, but child support was a very big part of the reason. I don’t know if there has ever been a study done on the subject, but I assure you, a very large percentage of homeless people can attribute their homelessness to child support.

The thing that makes the least amount of sense is the punishment for not paying. If you cannot pay your support, for whatever reason, you can be put into jail. Not only can they put you in jail they can take your driver’s license away. If you have a professional license, (i.e. Doctor, Lawyer, Paramedic, etc) How do they expect you to make your payment if they impose any of those punishments. I have said it before and I say it again, I don’t have all the answers. What I do know is the system is not working and it needs a major overhaul.

Maybe some of you have the answer. I would love to hear what you think. You can respond below.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In 2010 Racism Still Abounds

From time to time I will step away from the normal subject matter of this Blog to talk about something that is on my mind. I believe that one of the greatest Americans of all time was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr King believed that the way to settle racial issues was for people from different races to sit down at a table and have an honest discussion. I invite you to listen to the words of his, “I Have a Dream Speech.” I guess maybe you have figured out what brings this to my mind. Just in case you haven’t; it’s immigration.

For the past few months I have listened to both sides of the issue very carefully. My normal way of thinking, is that there has to be a happy medium. In this issue, however, there is clearly a wrong and a right. It is my opinion, the way it is being handled in Arizona is the wrong way. Furthermore, it is utterly and totally racist. It is nothing more than racial profiling. I’m sure His Majesty Sheriff Joe Arpaio loves every minute of it. He now has the right to round up anyone that looks Hispanic.

Sadly, there are people that are proposing the same kind of legislation here in Ohio. I had the opportunity to ask the Attorney General of Ohio about this very issue. You can watch the interview in an earlier Blog about the Hispanic Leadership Conference.

The reason I love this country and Lorain County specifically, is its racial diversity. I love being surrounded by different cultures. I have always looked at it as an opportunity to learn. I understand very clearly that there are differences in our cultures, but rather than fight against these difference we need to embrace them. I have never understood why people complain about different languages being spoken. It should be our right as an American to speak whatever language we want. That is what makes us a “Melting Pot.” Why do people get so uncomfortable around a different language?

Immigration has been an issue since the foundation of this country. Benjamin Franklin complained about the Germans. We have always had racial tensions of some sort. In the 60’s it was African Americans who had to stand up for their rights, and nearly 50 years later we are still not equal. In 2010 Latinos/Hispanics are the color of choice, and it’s time for them to stand up for their rights. I can’t believe in this day and age we still have people with an ‘Archie Bunker,’ mentality.
The other argument I hear constantly is; “They are taking our jobs.” That is a load of you know what. The Mexicans are doing the jobs Americans refuse to do. We as a nation are very spoiled. We complain about unemployment but the jobs that are available, no one wants to work. Mexicans are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their family. I truly believe if we loaded up all the undocumented residents in this country, our economy would collapse.

You are probably asking, “OK Mr. Smart Guy what is the solution.” Well I’m glad you asked. Of course, I don’t have all the answers, but I do believe that we should legalize everyone that is here now. Then we need to work on a comprehensive humane immigration plan for reform. We need a plan that will make it a little easier to acquire citizenship. I assure you that the citizenship test, most Americans couldn’t pass. Let these folks contribute to society. By the way, the belief that they don’t pay taxes is ridiculous. When they go into a store and buy something they pay the same sales tax we pay; so quit saying that.

It saddens me to say it but in 2010 racism still abounds.

That is my take on the subject of immigration. I would love to hear yours. You can comment below or email me at or Friend me on Facebook by searching my email in the search engine.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Want You!!! A Call to Action

I have spent several months studying the internet and several other sources about successful downtown revitalization projects. There is an unlimited amount of resources out there to read and study. I dedicated myself to researching downtown revitalization projects because when I came to Lorain I was affected by what I saw. I have lived all over the country and have seen many downtown areas that certainly needed help, but I never felt what I felt when I saw downtown Lorain. The buildings seem to speak to me, and no, I’m not hearing voices. There is a certain something in the downtown area that just screams for help.

What exactly was it that has caused me to fall in love with this city? Is it its close proximity to both Lake Erie and the Black River? What about its racial diversity? Could it be its history? There are so many other attractive attributes about Lorain and I think it is a combination of all of those things.

When I started my research I wanted to find out what the common denominator was for all the successful revitalization's. I looked at all the different plans and studied the similarities. After I read until I thought my eye balls were going to fall out, I came to one conclusion. I learned that I couldn’t do it myself. All of the successful revitalization projects started with a group of people. It was not always a large group of people. In fact it was usually a small group of like minded people getting together every week to make a difference. These groups were always made up of people from all walks of life. They all came from many different economic backgrounds.

I am telling you about this because I want to start just such a group. I need 10 people to start. If you are interested you must be in love with Lorain. You must see the potential and you want to work toward making it better. You can be a business owner or factory worker. You can wealthy or below the poverty line. This group of people will meet once a week and plan to make Lorain better. This group is about action. You must be interested in the group growing. You must want to mobilize a force that will help to rebuild downtown Lorain.
If you feel you meet these qualifications then I want to talk to you. Contact me either at 440-465-4630 or at

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Skeletons In The Closet

When I read the story in the Morning Journal about Richard Lucente being chosen to replace Greg Holcomb for the Ward 6 Council seat, it got me to thinking about ‘skeletons in the closet.’ We all have them and Mr Lucente is no exception. Most of the time these skeletons make no difference in how a person performs their job. We have seen politician after politician fall from grace when those secrets are revealed.

Most recently a man that would be President, John Edwards, lost any chance at the job he was seeking, when what he was doing was exposed. What he was caught doing was something that was inexcusable, but when you think about it, would that have affected how he performed his job. I am in no way trying to justify what he did. I am just trying to point out that he probably still would have been a good President.

I think that if a person decides to run for office they would be much further ahead if they exposed their skeletons before they made the decision to run. People seem to respect that in a politician. One example would be former Washington DC mayor Marion Barry. He was arrested on drug charges in 1990, he served 6 months in jail and ran for city council in 1992 and won. He again became Mayor in 1995 and served until 1999. He still serves as councilman in Washington’s 8 Ward.

We all know the story of James Traficant from Youngstown. Traficant spent 9 terms as a congressman in the 17th district until 2002 when he went to prison for obstruction of justice and tax evasion. He spent 7 years until he was released last year. He recently went to work for WTAM radio where he hosts a weekly talk show. He just announced he will be running for his old job as an independent candidate. A recent poll suggested that if the election were held today he would win by a significant margin.

The moral of the story is that we are all flawed, and we have things in our past that we are not proud of. Most of the time we learn from our mistakes and we become stronger because of the trials we have been through. People seem to respect when a person is honest and exposes the mistakes they have made in the past. Most of you know that I have received a lot of press coverage over the last several months and as far as I know all my skeletons are out. So if I decide to run for office I have nothing to hide. If you are wondering what I’m talking about here is a link that will explain it all. Click Here
I would love to hear what you think. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up as a follower or you can email me at or Friend me on Facebook.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Killing Two Birds With One Stone

I have heard the expression; “Killing two birds with one stone.” my whole life. That expression has never been truer than it is right now, as the school board decides on a new location for the new high school. Locating the school at Black River Landing will do more to boost the economy of downtown Lorain than any other single decision.

Over the past several months I have had countless people come through the doors of my store at 737 Broadway and tell me their story of the ‘glory days’ of downtown Lorain. I have enjoyed them recalling the days when people would walk five abreast as they went shopping or went out for a show. I realize those days are gone and will never be back, but it is time for us to start making the new, ‘good ole’ days.’

The board of education is standing at the cross roads of a decision that will truly change the future of Lorain. Many times I have walked down Broadway and looked into the windows of the empty storefronts. In my mind’s eye I try to image what it was like when all the buildings were full, and people were going in and out spending money. The first time I heard that one of the possible locations for the high school was Black River Landing; I thought that what I had imagined could become reality.

One of the biggest reasons why business owners are attracted to any area is traffic. Once the decision is made to locate the school at Black River Landing, the traffic will begin immediately. It will begin with the construction crews. Now would be a good time for a hardware store to locate them self close by. Those construction workers are going to need a good place to eat. There are several good locations in downtown for that. There are even some that are already equipped. Many members of the crew will come from out of town, and they will need some place to stay. Maybe it’s a good time to build a hotel close by. I worked in the hotel industry and I know that a hotel can be built extremely fast. The school will take at least 2 years to build and all the while these businesses will open.

When the school is opened there will be a need for more places of business; like sporting goods stores, clothing stores, convenient stores, and shoe stores. I remember when I attended Elyria High School in the early 80’s I would hang out at Mr. Hero’s right across the street from the school. Subway would probably be the place of choice for this generation, or maybe a pizza place. The possibilities are endless.

I truly believe that there is only one choice for the new Lorain High School; Black River Landing. Not only would the facility provide our children and grandchildren with an education, but our economy in Lorain will get a much needed boost. I knew when I began to write this that same old naysayers would rear there ugly heads. My suggestion would be; IGNORE THEM! I have said before and I will say it again; we need to be positive about re-building our downtown because negativity never fixed anything.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Have the Answer To Our School Funding Issues

The moment I heard that the Lorain’s school levy was defeated I ran to my laptop and began to write. Most of what I had to say wouldn’t have passed the censors. I was livid and my writing reflected that, but you will never read those words, because I deleted them. I was fuming and I wrote what amounted to a rant. I was going to give the voters of Lorain a piece of my mind. When I reviewed what I had written I realized that what I had to say would accomplish nothing. I just couldn’t understand how anyone could say no to a child’s future. The main reason I chose not to share with you my words of anger was, I offered no solutions.

For the past several years I have studied the state of education in the public schools. Over all, the public school systems from coast to coast are in disrepair. However there are some states that seem to do better. I spent a lot of time googling school rankings by state. I was going to cite some of the stats I found, via the internet, but they really just confuse the issue. Most of the rankings do seem to agree that states like Connecticut, Vermont and Texas seem to always rate toward the top of the list. The one thing they all seem to have in common is wealth. The sad story is, the schools that seem to do the best consistently are in areas that have more money. I realize that money is not always the answer, but the statistics show that it certainly helps.

Ohio is certainly not a state that is wealthy, and most of the statistics rank Ohio toward the bottom in education. So we need to figure out a way to save money by not raising taxes and not cutting teachers. The answer seems so simple to me. We have too many school boards. I know, I know; no kidding! In the state of West Virginia, where I come from the school districts are broken up by counties. I know Ohioans don’t want to admit it but in some of the stats West Virginia ranks higher in education.

A very good example of too many school districts is Knox County Ohio. The Population hovers around 60,000, and there are no less than 4 separate school districts. I wonder how many total members are on all of those school boards. Why can’t we consolidate those boards into one? In Ohio we should have 88 total school boards. Just think of how much money we could save, just by eliminating the politicians.

Could someone please explain to me why my plan would not work? Is simplification of our school administrations to easy? What am I missing? I don’t have all the answers but I truly believe this plan would work. Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” My fellow Lorain Countians we have been doing the same thing over and over again. It’s time to do something different.

I want to hear what you think. Just respond below. You can also email me at or friend me on Facebook.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Firefighter Lay Off a Horrible Mistake

It is a rare thing for me to agree with the Union, but in the case of the Firefighters being laid off; I am in complete agreement. City Council has made a huge mistake in voting down a plan that would allow 4 Firefighters to stay on the job. I understand that we need to tighten our belts. Most everyone has experienced it in our personal lives. However, there are certain things you can’t cut; utilities, for instance. In today’s day and age we have to have water, gas, and electric. We also have to have food to survive. The Fire Department is the food and utilities of Lorain.

The Lorain Fire Department was stretched thin to begin with. Councilman Drwal said last night he thought this meant more stations will have to shut down. What will happen if more stations are shut down? Fires that may have been easily extinguished by a neighborhood fire station will now turn into a major fire, because of the length of time it will take to respond. How many more lives will be lost now because there are not enough Fire Fighters to rescue a victim?

Union President Jonathan George said he thinks negotiations between the Union and City Council are done. In this case, that is a very bad thing. From everything I have read the Union has bent over backwards to accommodate City Council’s requests. This situation is much too critical for the parties involved to stop talking. This is not the time to play politics.

I have contacted some members of City Council to give them an opportunity to tell their side of the story, and just before I was about to publish this post, Ward 2 Councilman Andy Drywal called me to respond to last night's vote. He mostly reiterated what he said after the vote last night. He does believe that it will mean the closing of more stations. When I asked him; Do you think this was some sort of political move by council? He said, "I'm new to politics, but this does not benefit the citizens of Lorain." He also said, "this was not an issue of money, the same thing was done last year" I will leave it to the investigative reporters to prove or disprove that statement.

It is this Blogger's opinion that if this was a political move-----It backfired! If you look at the responses to the the article about the vote in The Morning Journal, you will understand what I mean.
I want to formerly invite all parties involved, (i.e. any City Council member, Union President, The Mayor) to call me, or better yet, sit down with me in front of a camera and talk about why you voted the way you did. I would love to hear what you have to say, and I’m sure the citizens of Lorain would also. You can contact me at 440-465-4630 or

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The 15th Annual Hispanic Leadership Conference

I was fortunate enough to be invited to the 15th Annual Hispanic Leadership Conference. In the last two days I’ve been reading the media coverage about the conference. The Morning Journal’s website allows people to respond to the stories they publish. I am glad we live in a country where we are allowed to express our concerns about anything and everything. I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world. The great thing is I get to respond to all of the statements made. What I have to say is; I am appalled at most of the responses.
It is amazing to me that people have made comments about something that they have no clue about. The conference is about empowerment. Yes it is true that things were discussed that are affecting the Hispanic community; Things like, legalized racial profiling in Arizona, and human trafficking. Below is a description of all the workshops discussed read them and tell me what is wrong with any of them.
Identity Theft, Scams and Vulnerable Populations:
This workshop will identify and offer strategies to prevent identity theft or “true name fraud”, which happens when a criminal obtains and uses a consumer’s personal information such as credit cards, bank account numbers, insurance information and social security numbers to purchase goods or services fraudulently. The presenter will also provide information on scams that are being perpetrated on vulnerable populations, how to protect yourself, and who to contact if scam artists and other criminals approach.
Presenter: Susan Choe, Chief, Consumer Protection Section, Office of the Attorney General of Ohio
Danger Online - Cyber Predators and Sexual Exploitation on the Internet:
This workshop will teach participants safeguards and necessary strategies which should be implemented to protect their children from cyber-predators. It will also examine the issue of sexual exploitation of children on the internet and help parents identify protective measures to keep their children safe. Participants in this workshop will learn to recognize techniques which predators use to deceive children, how to respond assertively and teach their children how to respond assertively in uncomfortable and potentially compromising online situations. Information will also be provided on common sense techniques and resources to keep youth, adults and families safe online.
Presenter: Kathleen Nichols, LSW. MA, Youth and Juvenile Program Coordinator, Crime Victims Assistance and Prevention Section, Office of the Attorney General of Ohio

Do You know Who You Are? Latino Pride & The 2010 Census Response:

This workshop will present some of the Latino issues that surfaced during the 2010 Census to include the question of who we are and what “Ethnicity” we identified with. The presenters will explain the government’s emphasis on respecting the privacy and information of anyone completing the Census form and the dire legal penalties involved for anyone violating the confidentiality of the Census form. The presenters will also demonstrate how Latino non-profits and individuals can utilize Census data to secure additional resources for their communities.
Presenters: Guadalupe Lara, LMSW, Regional Migrant Partnership Specialist for Michigan and Ohio and Richard Romero, Ohio Latino Team, U.S. Census Bureau.

New Puerto Rico Birth Certificates & the Undermining of Puerto Rico’s Economy: This workshop will examine the realities, myths and intent of the new law requiring some individuals born in Puerto Rico to secure new birth certificates. The presenter will discuss government justification for the new law, the role identity theft targeting Puerto Ricans on the Island and Mainland played in the enactment of the new birth certificate legislation, how the law has been misinterpreted by some agencies in Ohio and whether or not the U.S. Virgin Islands uprooting of Captain Morgan from Puerto Rico, and undermining Puerto Rico’s economy, played a role in the new birth certificate legislation.
Presenter: Luis Balzac, North East Regional Director for the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration
When Walls Talk – Art as a Catalyst for Change:
For more than twenty-five years, María Domínguez has dedicated a great part of her artistic work to public art, creating more than 21 public art murals, using the process of community mural making to express community identification, articulate Puerto Rican determination “not to be erased from history”, and as a catalyst for social justice and change. This workshop will examine Maria’s visual art and murals, their impact, and their ownership by the communities in which they live. Dr. Raquel Ortiz, who has written on the work of Maria Dominguez, will provide commentary on Maria’s role in strengthening and unifying communities, and introduce the artist who will discuss her intent, the motivation behind her work, and her role as a visual narrator and “documenter”. This workshop will include a question and answer period with the artist.
.Presenters: Dr. Raquel Ortiz, Adjunct Professor & Author, Kent State University and renowned International Visual Artist and Muralist Maria Dominguez.
Border Angels: A tribute to Human Compassion:
Founded by Enrique Morones in 1986, Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop the unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high numbers of unnecessary deaths have been the result of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, although some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes. This workshop will highlight the work of the Border Angels, examine conditions in the border areas and discuss some of the work required if this country is to one day create an immigration policy that respects human life, understand the plight of immigrants and lives up to the ideals and values that helped to create this country.
Presenter: Enrique Morones, President/Founder, Border Angels

Budgeting in a Recession – Waking Up Your Dreams:
How does one build his/her family’s financial future in a financially insecure time? How does one survive and overcome the struggles of a major recession at a time of record high unemployment? How do you stop from staying up at night worrying about your personal finances? This workshop is built on the premise that just because jobs change and times get hard doesn’t mean that your dreams have to be sacrificed, or discarded. Participants in this workshop will learn the steps necessary to return to the path leading to financial security. The presenter is a financial advisor, who will show participants how to maximize their purchasing power through budgeting, basic research techniques, avoiding pitfalls, and focusing on attainable goals.
Presenter: Allen G. Porter, CRPC, Associate Financial Advisor, Collier, Petras and Associates

Latin Dance: The Passion and Art of the Tango:
This workshop will serve as a crash course for participants wanting to learn the passion and artistic rhythms behind the Argentine Tango. This is a hands-on workshop requiring participation by all attendees.
Presenters: Adriana Salgado, Orlando Reyes, Eduardo Goytia and Jennifer Wesnousky principal instructors, dancers and coaches from DanceSport Studio in New York City.
2010 Hispanic Leadership Conference

High School students attending this year’s Youth Leadership component will be treated to thought provoking workshops on Cyber-Predators and Sexual Exploitation on the Internet, a dramatic Spoken Word training and performance session with International Spoken Word Artist Gabriela Garcia Medina and also be allowed to attend a workshop of their choice from 2:30pm-3:30om. Those attending the conference will be sponsored to attend the Saturday evening Formal Gala at the Lorain Party Center from 6:00pm until midnight at no cost.
Danger Online - Cyber Predators and Sexual Exploitation on the Internet:
11:00am – 12:30pm - Lecture Hall – Stocker Theater
This workshop will teach participants safeguards and necessary strategies which should be implemented to protect their children from cyber-predators. It will also examine the issue of sexual exploitation of children on the internet and help parents identify protective measures to keep their children safe. Participants in this workshop will learn to recognize techniques which predators use to deceive children, how to respond assertively and teach their children how to respond assertively in uncomfortable and potentially compromising online situations. Information will also be provided on common sense techniques and resources to keep youth, adults and families safe online.
Presenter: Kathleen Nichols, LSW. MA, Youth and Juvenile Program Coordinator, Crime Victims Assistance and Prevention Section, Office of the Attorney General of Ohio

Expressing Yourself through Spoken Word, Slam Poetry and Hip-Hop:
1:30pm – 2:30pm – Lecture Hall – Stocker Theater
This workshop will utilize spoken word and other expressive tools to teach youth how to communicate effectively and grab the attention of those they feel should listen to what our young people have to say. Ms. Gabriela Garcia Medina has performed throughout the United States at colleges, high schools and at festivals and conference all over the world. During this session she will share her talents with her favorite audience – youth who have something to say – and want to make sure that their audience listens. Participants in this workshop who want extra time training with Gabriela can elect to stay in this workshop for the 2:30pm-3:30pm session.
Choice of Workshops: 2:30pm – 3:30pm:
For their final session youth will be allowed to attend a workshop of their choice from the conference agenda posted on page 3 of the conference program booklet. For those attending the evening gala, be sure to get your gala ticket at the Cinema Hall (Stocker Theater) during the closing session where you are also eligible to win door prizes donated by sponsors and other organizations.

So can someone please tell me what is wrong with any of thing that was included above? It is the same old story; Ignorance.
I had the opportunity to interview Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray and Enrique Morones of Border Angels. Check them out and tell me what you think.