Saturday, May 8, 2010

Killing Two Birds With One Stone

I have heard the expression; “Killing two birds with one stone.” my whole life. That expression has never been truer than it is right now, as the school board decides on a new location for the new high school. Locating the school at Black River Landing will do more to boost the economy of downtown Lorain than any other single decision.

Over the past several months I have had countless people come through the doors of my store at 737 Broadway and tell me their story of the ‘glory days’ of downtown Lorain. I have enjoyed them recalling the days when people would walk five abreast as they went shopping or went out for a show. I realize those days are gone and will never be back, but it is time for us to start making the new, ‘good ole’ days.’

The board of education is standing at the cross roads of a decision that will truly change the future of Lorain. Many times I have walked down Broadway and looked into the windows of the empty storefronts. In my mind’s eye I try to image what it was like when all the buildings were full, and people were going in and out spending money. The first time I heard that one of the possible locations for the high school was Black River Landing; I thought that what I had imagined could become reality.

One of the biggest reasons why business owners are attracted to any area is traffic. Once the decision is made to locate the school at Black River Landing, the traffic will begin immediately. It will begin with the construction crews. Now would be a good time for a hardware store to locate them self close by. Those construction workers are going to need a good place to eat. There are several good locations in downtown for that. There are even some that are already equipped. Many members of the crew will come from out of town, and they will need some place to stay. Maybe it’s a good time to build a hotel close by. I worked in the hotel industry and I know that a hotel can be built extremely fast. The school will take at least 2 years to build and all the while these businesses will open.

When the school is opened there will be a need for more places of business; like sporting goods stores, clothing stores, convenient stores, and shoe stores. I remember when I attended Elyria High School in the early 80’s I would hang out at Mr. Hero’s right across the street from the school. Subway would probably be the place of choice for this generation, or maybe a pizza place. The possibilities are endless.

I truly believe that there is only one choice for the new Lorain High School; Black River Landing. Not only would the facility provide our children and grandchildren with an education, but our economy in Lorain will get a much needed boost. I knew when I began to write this that same old naysayers would rear there ugly heads. My suggestion would be; IGNORE THEM! I have said before and I will say it again; we need to be positive about re-building our downtown because negativity never fixed anything.


  1. Hi Kevin
    Add to this commuter rail, a streetcar line and a bustling downtown and you have quite a package. View our project summary at

    Dennis Lamont
    Lorain Street Railway

  2. C'mon Dennis, where is the "bustling downtown" you keep referencing?

    And to Kevin, there is no chance this will have a positive effect on the downtown businesses.

  3. Endless repeats
    The bustling downtown is a result of the positive people in the community coming together to make it happen while the negative folks are sniping from the sidelines. We have given and been at presentations where we were shown how other folks have done it and done it well. Unless you are totally convinced that for some reason Lorain cannot make anything work, let your fingers do the walking and find out for yourself. The only thing you and can I guarantee is; if nothing is done, nothing will happen.

  4. Dennis I like what I've see so far with the plan. Eventually I want to talk to you about doing an interview with me.
    Ex-Lorainite keep thinking positive.
    ge13031 you are correct my friend

  5. One of the most successful downtown rebuilds "we" (Lorain Port Authority & Lorain Street Railway) have visited is Kenosha WI. After a job loss of 17,000 they took their waterfront back and created a 150,000,000 dollar downtown. We have been visiting there for the last five years and witnessed their continuing growth. Everyone connected with bringing Lorain back should visit, either on the internet or in person to see; Pride of Place. Cando, and Bustle. It can be done ... and I have presentations covering it.

  6. Cane it happen here ?????
